Thursday, June 17, 2010

Veggie Update - June 17, 2010

Newest Veggie (and Fruit!) Delivery

I just went to pick up our CSA delivery this afternoon and have been busy researching what I want to do with it all. It's a good rule of thumb to have a plan, I have found. Harmony Valley's newsletter is always my first source for inspiration, followed immediately by Asparagus to Zucchini, and then I turn to the internet.

This week brings us golden beets (yay!); Napa cabbage; kohlrabi; sugar snap peas; scallions; spinach; assorted lettuces; broccoli; 3 pints of strawberries (!!); and something called Red Komatsuna, aka 'spinach mustard,' which Amy at Green Your Plate has already researched for me (complete with recipe links, bless her heart). Tonight I want to tackle the beets and their greens, and found a good-looking recipe in A to Z via Deborah Madison. Also in A to Z were some fun ideas for kohlrabi involving smoked fish, which is a shoe-in at our house. I still need to find something tasty to do with the Napa cabbage. You will see the strawberries tomorrow. Everything else I have deemed to be the food equivalent of 'accessories,' and will be used to dress up meals throughout the next two weeks.

As always, a heartfelt 'thank you' to Harmony Valley Farm for supplying us with such beautiful bounty each fortnight (a word I like quite a bit and find very useful when describing two week intervals).
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