Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Garbanzos with Tomato-Fennel Sauce - Aug 11, 2010

Garbanzos with Tomato Fennel Sauce

Last night I made this tasty sauce. I wish I could say that I used some home-grown tomatoes, but ours aren't ripe quite yet, so I opened up a can and they did the trick. In addition to some canned tomatoes, I chopped up two small fennel bulbs and half an onion. These last two ingredients I sauteed a bit first with olive oil, fennel seeds, oregano, salt and pepper. After 5 minutes or so I tossed in the tomatoes and let everything simmer for about 30 minutes. I pureed all but a half a cup of the resulting sauce and then combined the pureed and un-pureed sauces back together. We had this over garbanzo beans with a healthy dose of Pecorino-Romano cheese and some fresh basil sprigs from the yard. The fennel gave the dish a nice 'sausage' flavor without the addition of any actual sausage. Fun trick.
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1 comment:

Fay Campbell said...

You are an R-Teest!
Our tomatoes are on their last legs. Having grown tomatoes in more reasonable weather, I must say I've been underwhelmed. But the peaches beat all!


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