New (to us) Hand Crank Ice Crusher
You may have noticed, Dinner Clubbers, I've been a little light on the meal postings this week. I've been uninspired of late and we've been supping on repeats of some of our new (and old) favorites this week. Instead of dinners, in a vaguely related kitchen-y thread, I thought I'd showcase some of our new kitchen equipment. First up is the ice crusher. Isn't she lovely? I've been searching for one of these for months on frequent thrift store visits and was finally successful yesterday. Yippee!

Bubble Water with Blood Orange
Check out the perfectly 'coarse' ice produced above. In very high tech form, we also have a 'fine' ice option by turning the crank the opposite direction. We have big plans for fun summer cocktails in the months ahead. And, in the meantime, we'll be practicing with fun winter cocktails.

Green Curry Ingredients, Mortar and Pestle, Fresh Yogurt, Red Sauce Pot
Next up is our great mortar and pestle, which we've put to use making some fresh Thai green curry paste. I've also used it recently to crush French grey sea salt for this recipe (sent out as birthday cookies). And, another new addition to the line-up is this cheerful red sauce pot with newly restored (cleaned and mineral oiled) wooden handles. It's perfect for yogurt making, among many other things, and happily sits out on our stove-top looking pretty and keeping the tea kettle company.
I'm planning on a great weekend full of new inspiration and refreshed ideas for what to cook next week. Does anyone have any fun suggestions?