Here's some of what Nick and I got up to this past weekend. Has anyone tried gjetost cheese before? Kate bought me some for my birthday years ago, but sadly I never tried it. After reading about it in this month's Bon Appetit, I decided it was time to remedy that. Coincidentally, now that it's on my radar, I keep hearing about it everywhere, like the butchering workshop put on by Paul Berglund this weekend at Snowgrade. He recommends melting some in with your rabbit stew (by the way, I was excited to learn some rabbit butchering pointers). I decided to try it in a much simpler preparation, on toast. It has an interesting flavor, often described as caramel-like. That's true, although it doesn't quite capture the whole flavor profile. I am happy to add this to my Scandinavian toast repertoire, which already includes pepper toast from Sweden, compliments of JJ.
Our flowers from last weekend are opening up beautifully. I love the lighter pinks of the newly opened buds compared to the richer color of the older ones. I'm not sure what kind of flowers these are, but they are lasting significantly longer than most cut flowers that I'm familiar with.
I'm happy to say that coffee looks just as pretty as tea when placed in a bodum insulated glass.
And, I've made some excellent progress on the hot pink socks. I'm working on the gusset of sock number two currently and it should be done by the end of this week. These particular lovelies belong to Natalie and will be her belated birthday gift this year. I love, love, love the color!
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