I've been quite uninspired in the kitchen of late, hence the lack of blog posts. Nick and I did get a new Bon Appetit in the mail on Saturday, so perhaps that will help. In the meantime, I did snap a few pictures this weekend. I've been enjoying tea (this particular cup contains 'Evening in Missoula') in our Bodum insulated glasses because it looks so pretty. I'm trying to wean myself off of adding cream and honey to every cup of tea I make, and I think this is helping. Nick brought home some pretty, spring-like flowers on Friday and they really brighten up the dining room. They are sitting on my new Marimekko plate that I got on sale at FinnStyle last Monday on a little excursion with Nat and Jamie. And, some hot pink sock yarn! If this doesn't break me out of my creative slump, I'm not sure what will.
I do have a few dinners to report, so those will be up soon, but these pictures are prettier.
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