This was my Clancey's purchase last week. Nick and I don't prepare much beef at home, but this skirt steak had an amazing rub on it including Jim's 5-star roasted coffee (another incredible Linden Hills gem), cumin, cinnamon, and chili among others, and I could not resist. I bought a pound of it, so I knew we would get multiple meals out of it.
For the first, I decided on a very simple preparation so that we could get a good sense of the flavor. I simply seared the steak on a hot cast iron skillet for a couple of minutes per side. Skirt steak is usually so thin that cooking time is quite minimal. I found no need to add any oil to the pan, as the rub prevented any sticking and my skillet is perfectly seasoned (for which I take very little credit as it's an old Le Crueset snagged at the thrift store that came 'pre-seasoned' by years of use from it's previous owner).
Alongside I made a literal mash-up of Yukon Gold potatoes and a CSA turnip, seasoned generously with grated Pecorino-Romano cheese. This was a simple meal that was perfect for gauging how to best use the remaining skirt steak. With the cumin, chili and cinnamon it became clear quite quickly that it needed to be something with a Mexican bend. Stay tuned.
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