A fresh batch of CSA goodies has arrived just as we say good-bye to June. It's our first official 'summer' delivery and some of the produce certainly reflects it. This delivery includes our first bunch of red beets, complete with their greens, which are also incredibly tasty, tinged with some of the same earthy flavors found in the roots. We've also received two more boxes of beautiful strawberries that taste even better than they look (I know because I've already sampled). More scallions have arrived, as well as our first fennel of the season. I love fennel, with it's slight anise flavoring, in slaws. It adds a perfect crispiness along with the unexpected (if you're used to cabbage) licorice taste. We also received our first summer squash of the season! Two little broccoli heads, some green and red baby romaine lettuces, and a gigantic head of napa cabbage, perhaps for an Asian-inspired slaw, have also been squirreled away in our refrigerator. The very last picture above shows some garlic scapes, with their flowers about to burst. Not pictured this week is a beautiful bag of salad greens. What a perfect way to ring in the first holiday weekend of the summer!
Thank you Harmony Valley Farm!