Thursday, March 21, 2013

Veggies Are HERE! - Jaime's Spring CSA Delivery #1

It is still very cold here in the metro DC area, but spring is truly on its way. Today we received our first CSA share for the spring season! It was actually supposed to start two weeks ago, but a harsher than expected winter delayed it.

The haul included free range eggs, goat cheese, radishes, romaine hearts, spring onions, potatoes, cress, kale, spinach, and beets. The only thing here I'm not familiar with is cress. It is apparently similar to watercress and mustard, and commonly eaten in England, France, the Netherlands, and Scandinavia. I'll be sure to try it the English way on egg salad sandwiches.

I'm pretty sure all of these yummy treats either 1) grew indoors, 2) are actually from last season, or 3) are not really local. But no matter... I'm happy to have a refrigerator stocked with fresh organic goodies from Virginia's Olin-Fox Farms again!

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